Redact PDF

Permanently remove sensitive content from PDFs

تم تجاوز الحد الأقصي لحجم الملف!

The file exceeds the maximum file size allowed. Please feel free to use our desktop version.

تم تجاوز الحد الأقصي لعدد الصفحات!

The file exceeds the maximum number of pages allowed. Please feel free to use our desktop version.

تم تجاوز الحد الأقصي لعدد الصفحات!

إذا كنت تريد زيادة حدودك إلى 2000 صفحة فمن فضلك قم بالترقية إلى HiPDF برو.

تم تجاوز الحد الأقصي لحجم الملف!

إذا كنت تريد زيادة حدودك إلى 50 ميجابايت فمن فضلك قم بالترقية إلى HiPDF برو.

لا، شكراً


{{ file.file_name | subLengthStr(80) }}

conversion process



الملف محمي

هذا الملف محمي بكلمة مرور، برجاء إدخال كلمة المرور لكي تتمكن من فتحه.

جاري المعالجة

{{ file.file_name | subLengthStr(80) }}


Your PDF file has been successfully redacted!

البدء من جديد

How to redact a PDF

Click the button "Choose File" or simply drag-and-drop a PDF file into the box above. Select the content that you want to black out by clicking and dragging the cursor. Release the cursor when you have finished your selections. You can then click "Apply" to save it once the redaction is done.

We keep your files safe!

All your files uploaded will be permanently erased from our server one hour after conversion. Nobody is able to access these files and your privacy is 100% protected.

Select files from Cloud Storage

Feel free to select your PDF file from your preferred Cloud Storage: Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive and Box all supported.

Multiple platforms supported

As a web-based online service, you can redact a PDF file on all operating systems using the latest web browsers. It works on Windows, Mac and Linux.

Redaction Notice

Select the content that you want to hide by clicking and dragging the cursor. Release the cursor when you have finished your selections. Click "Apply", your selected text and image will be blacked out permanently.